The social distancing required of all of us to stop the spread of the Coronavirus is causing serious challenges to most businesses. How can we continue to market our products and services if we can’t be in the same room with anyone other than our immediate family?
Despite the obstacles, we must continue to move forward, promoting our businesses to thrive during the current public health crisis, and after.

Here are some ways you can continue to market yourself without violating shelter in place orders or common sense:

1. Social Media
With many consumers spending a lot more time, or all their time, at home these days, time spent on social media is on the rise. Add your voice to the conversation and share information on the current market, current listings, and a little about who you are.

Experiment with various platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all great places to start and explore the variety of features available. Share static images and videos, and most importantly, let your personality shine through. This will help you connect with potential clients and differentiate yourself in a space that is crowded with clip art and stock photos.

2. Email Marketing
If your clients have more time on their hands, it’s likely your email open rates will be pretty good right now. Take advantage of this opportunity to share important information. In any environment staying in front of past clients is one of the most effective things you can do to keep your pipeline full.

Create a content calendar to make it easier to consistently send out an email every week, every two weeks, or once a month. A few topic ideas to consider are the state of the market, explore a current listing, walk through an aspect of the home buying process, profile someone on your team, or a success story from a recent transaction. Don’t forget to ask for referrals!

3. Pay Per Click Marketing
Even before the current public health crisis, consumers were spending more time researching online before reaching out to an organization to inquire about services. Show up where they are searching for this information – in online search results, by advertising via the search engine’s pay per click platforms.

4. Online Webinars
You might not be able to host a first time home buyer seminar in person, but now is the perfect time to host one online. Virtual meetings and webinar software make this easier than you might expect. An added benefit is that you can generally record the presentation and share it with others interested in the same topic in the future.

We understand that you are facing many challenges to your business right now, and want to be here to support you however we can. Don’t hesitate to reach out to let us know how we can help.

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