Non-qualified mortgages, or Non-QM loans, are products designed to help homebuyers whose financial scenarios fall outside of traditional mortgage criteria – this includes real estate investors. During the early part of 2020, the demand for Non-QM loans stalled due to COVID-19, causing private investors to sit out the remainder of the year. Some originators even discontinued Non-QM programs. But then something happened: the COVID-19 health crisis fueled the housing market. With low interest rates and a desire to move out of more congested locations, homes were selling well above asking price, setting price records.

Investor confidence returned and so did the availability of Non-QM products. Now, the demand in 2021 is proving fierce, and lenders are ready to offer pricing discounts, increased loan limits, higher LTVs and DTIs, more relaxed underwriting guidelines, and higher coverage ratios.

An early Non-QM lender, Luxury Mortgage never left the Non-QM space, and we continue to be more than ready to help new and experienced real estate investors or new landlords with our unique rental property loan program.

Luxury Mortgage’s Simple Access® Non-QM Investor Cash Flow Loan is a powerful DSCR product that allows real estate investors to use the cash flow on a property(ies) to qualify for the new loan. It even allows predicted revenue from future rent to be used to qualify for the loan.

This innovative program can be used effectively to build a portfolio of income generating properties including 1–4-unit properties, mixed-use, PUDs and condos. Our Investor Cash Flow program offers many advantages to real estate investors:

  • Loan amounts to $3.5MM
  • No debt-to-income (DTI) or employment verification required
  • Qualification is based on the debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR) of the subject property
  • Multiple financed properties allowed

Ready to Learn More?

Let Luxury Mortgage help you find the right solution for you real estate investment needs. Connect with one of our licensed mortgage consultants today to learn more about the Simple Access® Non-QM Investor Cash Flow Loan. Simply give us a call or click the button below.

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We’re dedicated to helping borrowers find the right home loan program for their situation. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.

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