Traditional mortgage products aren’t the only way to qualify for a home loan. With more and more home buyers working non-traditional jobs, the lending landscape is changing to address the specific income status of those unique potential home buyers. Cue: Simple Access® Non-QM financing from Luxury Mortgage.

What is Simple Access® Non-QM Financing

Non-QM or non-qualified loans allow lenders to think outside the box and look at alternative factors beyond traditional income to help buyers purchase a home. Traditional mortgages require pay stubs and W2’s to verify incomes – something non-traditional earners don’t always have. Non-QM loan products will use alternative sources for verifying income, including:

  • Bank Statement
  • 1099’s
  • Liquid assets
  • Cash flow from rental properties if you are a landlord

Who is a Simple Access® Non-QM Mortgage Right for?

Our Non-QM lending products offer home buying options for:

  • Gig workers
  • Self-employed
  • Real Estate Investors
  • Borrowers with non-traditional income

What are the Pros of a Simple Access® Non-QM Mortgage?

In addition to the less stringent income verification benefits, Non-QM mortgages have more relaxed credit requirements and allow for higher debt-to-income ratios. Additionally, if you are a real estate investor, you are not limited by the number of financed properties you can own.

Ready to Learn More?

Simple Access® Non-QM lending products from Luxury Mortgage can open the doorway for homeownership for those who otherwise can’t meet the strict criteria of a traditional mortgage. Connect with one of our licensed mortgage consultants today see if one may be the right fit for you!

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We’re dedicated to helping borrowers find the right home loan program for their situation. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.

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